I'm kind of a stresseater. These past six months were quite stressfull and I didn't quite watch what I ate.

Recently I've been doing very well with moving more and try to eat around 1200 calories every day which is going fine.

I finally got the courage to actually weigh myself and the scale said I was around 83 kilo's which I was actually quite happy with. I thought I was doing much worse.

Bought a new scala, turns out the old one was about five kilo's off and I feel like crying. I finally managed to make weightloss feel like something positive and now I just can't help feeling angry at myself again for letting it get so far. All the Milestones I felt I hit are gone and I feel pathetic.

Im going to keep going though, but it feels harder because my mindset is way more negatieve than before.

EDIT: Sorry for my long reactions to your comments! Im kind of using them to order my own thoughts😂. I am already a lot calmer than before though. Thank you❤️