I’ve lost nearly 70 lbs now, and people are really starting to notice. People who I haven’t seen since last summer, etc.

People invariably will ask “well how did you do it?”

It’s funny because it seems like they all want a simple answer like “keto” or whatever fad crash diet plan they’ve heard of. Like one sentence can describe completely changing my relationship with food, my body, my mental health, my personal life, and everything about how I live.

So I just ask if they want the short version or the long version, and the short version is “I burned more calories than I consumed.”

The long version is, “I healed my lifelong bad relationship with food through therapy and community, I managed my horrible mental health with daily exercise. I stopped eating fast food entirely. I eat the same meals A LOT. I put high quality food in my body that makes me feel full. I do intermittent fasting. I don’t eat snacks in the evening. I drink LOTS of water. I started by loving myself and loving myself allows me continue despite the difficulties.”

All that to say, I think a lot of people’s problem (and my problem in the past) is thinking there’s a single solution to a very complicated problem. There’s no one size fits all, you have to listen to your body and do what works for you.