Edit: Id like to point out that my dad sees non-binary as a middle ground between female and male.
My dad is a nice guy and very pro LGBTQ+, but when I did some thinking on how I felt non-binary I was still scared to tell him. I was scared he was going to talk me out of it and eventually, after support from friends, I told him.

He did even worse than I thought he would. He literally sat me down and made 2 FRIGGING GRAPHS to go along with his lecture. Here’s the basics:
1: He’s had a looot of non-binary friends and I’m nothing like them

2: I haven’t shown any signs of it

3: I can’t make decisions like this for myself until Im a full adult.

4: I’m more between “tomboy” and “normal woman” in terms of his linear graph (even he acknowledge that the graph was flawed)

He said all of this while only being concerned for my well being, but it still hurt. I asked him if he could at least call me by my preferred name and he was like “No, your name’s [private] and you’re stuck with it” and then he tussled my hair. (My birth sex is female)

My friends have been great for me but it still hurts every time Mom or Dad call me by my deadname, Mom didn’t sit me down for a lecture but she’s still completely forgotten. This has probably happened to some of y’all so if possible, I’d like to know that I’m not alone, then those who have had similar stories can feel not so alone too.