Ok so over the last couple years I see people buying Lego sets as "investment" where they buy it and store it away somewhere expecting the value to increase over time but I have a few thoughts on this.

First I grew up in the 80s during the baseball card explosion where it was a small hobby among fans at the start of the decade and by 1989 every mom and pop were at conventions selling the same things. And hundreds of companies were selling millions of products and it went from mostly just baseball to all sports, Desert Storm cards, actors and musicians and even Bugs Bunny and Mickey Mouse.... until the market was saturated and crashed. Almost nothing from the 80a and 90s are worth anything.

Then it moved to Beanie Babbies. Same thing but one company was making them all and promising limited additions. Which we found out was limited only by how many they could sell. Again I can go to almost any garage sale or Goodwill and get every one of them for a quarter apiece.

So this brings me back to collecting Lego sets as "investment." I'm dubious about the long term value of holding onto sets to flip for value for more than maybe a couple year. Sure the older stuff, and more specifically the older stuff still sealed in boxes might have some value because few people were keeping them closed up as they are kids toys. But now there are hundred or thousands of people who are only buying to keep the sets sealed up in hopes of future profits. In five or ten years will we find that there are almost as many sets still sealed up as were opened and built? Will the market be slowly flooded with these unopened and unloved sets? Will the "investment" expectations be washed away in the tears of a reality much like sports cards in the 80s and Beanie Babies in the 2000s?

I'd like to know what others think? Maybe we should just open all the sets and enjoy them for what they are. Model making kits.