So I'm working on a note taking app myself using chatgpt and copilot.

I know I know, that there are plenty of productivitynote taking apps already. But this one is a bit different and I want to test the waters.

Plus, if nothing else, I'll use it in my portfolio to findjobs.

Here are my questions:

  1. Is the MERN stack sufficient to build an app like this?

  2. Where should I do my hosting? I was thinking vercel or netlify?

  3. I already registered all the social media handles, etc. Should I start posting content right awaywait for the MVP?

  4. I'm building myself so when would be a good time to pivot to build a team?

  5. I want to bootstrap this business. Can this be done or is it better to get investments once the app scales?

  6. If I keep it indie and build a small team, can I still run the business? I don't plan to setup a office but work remotely instead.

  7. What other factors do I need to keep in mind?

  8. I already registered the domain name. What elsedo I need to do? Should I register the trademark as well?

  9. Should I work simultaneously on the Android and iOS apps or can that be done later?

Thanks in advance fellow devs!