Bit of context: I’ve been depressed for a year or 2 now. During that time, I’ve radically changed my way of thinking, and I’m becoming increasingly interested in the concept of simple living.

I’m in my early 20s, and can honestly say I have absolutely no dream job, or even a job I’m remotely interested in. I feel like society has its ways of convincing people that everybody has a dream job, and that when you’ve found it, you’ll "never work a day in your life". I’m not buying it. In an ideal world, I won’t work, because it’s just not something that energises me. In fact, I get exhausted very quickly, and just thinking about having to work every day for the next 40 years stresses me out.

Instead of working, I would love to spend every day doing something I love. Walk around nature, write stuff, and live far away from any major city, so I can finally breathe and escape the overwhelm. I just hate the fact that that’s practically impossible, because I am not financially independent yet. I’ve come to a point where my depression is getting worse, because I don’t feel like living in this world, where you HAVE to work just to survive. Aren’t we supposed to do something we love? Right now, I believe that I’ll either be happy when I’m doing something I really love, or if I’m not working at all.

In my opinion, I’m stuck in a vicious cycle, where I want to enjoy the little things in life, and not spend the rest of my life stressed because I have to work, simply to survive. However, that won’t be possible until I become financially stable, which won’t happen until I’ve accepted that I’ll settle for a crappy job which will make me miserable.

I’m so lost. Is there anyone who has similar thoughts and can give me some advice? I really don’t know what to do or what to think right now.