Is there doctrine present somewhere in the scriptures that dictate that Priesthood leadership should be the first to be served the sacrament? In my ward today, we have a visiting member of the Stake Presidency, and of course he was the first to partake.

But this got me thinking. If Jesus were visiting your ward, I feel like he would either be serving us the bread and water himself, or at the least, he would want to ensure that every other person was able to partake before He did.

Now I’m not trying to hold leadership to the standard of Jesus (perfection), but then again, don’t we all strive to be like Him?

Just trying to understand if this is doctrine, policy, or tradition. I have never really questioned it before.

Also, what if the General Relief Society President was visiting your ward - why wouldn’t she receive it first, before the Bishop? I understand she’s not the presiding priesthood leader, but on the other hand, she “outranks” everyone else in the building. This doesn’t seem very egalitarian at all. Again, is this doctrine? Tradition/culture? Policy?

And hear me out one more time. How cool would it be if the visiting Stake Presidency member sat with the deacons and actually served the sacrament to members of the congregation?