so i was thinking about studying a new language but i wanna see if i need to improve in any other language first. for example, i speak greek but sometimes i read a bit slow and my vocab can be seen as small, but i can handle a conversation in greek really well, is that being fluent?

what many people consider being fluent is being able to speak the language perfectly or almost perfectly. which means having a huge vocab, perfect grammar, perfect pronunciation, basically being able to blend in with native speakers.

though ive also seen that being fluent is being comfortable with the language, like not having to always "translate" what you hear or being able to speak the language at the pace you normally speak in your native language. sometimes knowing the language well enough to understand its slang can be considered reaching the "fluent speaker" level.

so what exactly can make someone be considered a fluent speaker in a language?

btw sorry for possibly using the wrong tag if i did use the wrong one