I (26 M) reside in Chicago. I have been unemployed for 6 months, an MS in Statistics, 3 years of data science and analytics experience, and three Microsoft certifications in data and IT. I left my previous role as a Data Scientist because I was diagnosed with C-PTSD due to a psychotic manager who made my life hell. Currently, I see a psychologist for more testing and therapy.

Furthermore, I have applied to nearly 260 data analyst or statistician (mostly US) and have 75% ghost jobs, 24% rejections, and 1% of roles where I was interviewed for 2 or more rounds. That 1% is for two data analyst roles at Princeton University. One they took someone with no educational background in analytics (after I flew out there for final interviews and was told I was the back-up candidate) and another is still in progress.

Today I learned name discrimination is a real thing, and my name has a Palestinian/Arab origination. Looks like I will use my "American-ized" name.

I needed to destress by typing this out. Yes, I have used referrals, I have tuned my resume, and tried searching for career opportunities. However, it does not matter as companies continue to lay off employees for short-term profits (I am looking at you Dell).

I do not see this getting any better, so I will search for teaching abroad opportunities. Perhaps I would feel happier leaving a country like the US.