Shared by a Trump supporter. A lot of Trump types will often claim that we're living in some combination of Animal Farm, 1984, and Idiocracy in addition to other hostile environments portrayed in dystopian books/movies. I mean, there certainly are aspects of American society that can be described as dumb and idiotic but I kind of sense that these dudes lack the necessary skills and self-awareness to point out what they are.

For example, it's not the dudes who want to get vaccinated that are idiots - it's the clowns who use shit like horse tranquilizer as an alternative because some YouTuber convinced them that Pfizer was in cahoots with a deep state operation to implant a microchip into their brain that are morons. Their reasoning appears to be just "libs are stupid idiots. the name of the movie is idiocracy and so it must be making fun of libs amirite?!"

I mean, for fuck's sake there's an entire scene where they clearly poke fun at Fox News in a parody news segment. The dude that they want to elect for president in a few months is literally on trial for fucking a porn star. And we should all know what President Camacho did for a living prior to entering the white house, right?

Do any of these "fans" of Idiocracy care to notice that? I mean, do they know but just not care? Are they just pretending to have watched the movie but only saw bits and pieces? Honestly, given their track record, none of those would surprise me.

Maybe it's just time to accept that these so-called "fans" are legit too stupid to even know that they're being made fun of.
