The contract:

  1. If you accept, you will receive half the payment as soon as you both sign the contract in your bank account, and the other half when the 24hrs are up.

  2. You are not allowed any contact with your SO as soon as you both sign. All the way up till the 24hrs are up. SO cannot have any electronics. They will confiscate SO cell phone.

  3. You and your SO will HAVE to sign a NDA (Non-Disclosure Agreements).

  4. Random person(RP) will be allowed to do anything they want with your SO. ( They will not be able to do any physical harm to your SO or anyone else)

  5. This one is a hard one… RP will be allowed to video record whatever they want within the 24hrs.

  6. NO NEGOTIATIONS with the contractor. Whatever is written it is set. If you try, NO DEAL.

Edit: I guess I should have said it can go both ways. Would your SO be ok with you being with RP? Of course no one is property. It would have to be both parties who have to accept. I didn’t know this was a movie but I’ll deff give it a watch.