I was prescribed 2% ketoconizole cream for a skin fungal infection. Applied twice a day. After using it for just under a week I noticed some hearing sensitivity. Quite sounds that shouldn’t be bothersome were all of a sudden too loud and even my own voice bothered my ears if I spoke too loud. I kind of felt off balance a bit too. I kept using the cream for just over two weeks and then the hearing sensitivity seemed to get worse. So I’m stopping the medicine to see if it goes away. Has anyone had this reaction from this medication? Also is it likely this will resolve after medication is stopped? Only other medicine I’ve put in my body is Benadryl and I’ve taken it plenty of times I’m my life with no noticeable side effect. I don’t know what other factors in my life have changed other than high stress lately. Kind of in the dark on all this so any info or recommendations is much appreciated.