
r/hyperacusis3.7K subscribers4 active
Please stop threatening self harm.

No one here is qualified to help an individual in crisis, and this sub isn't an adequate place to turn to for this sort of help. We will be removing such threats from now on.

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Possible medication induced hyperacusis from 2% ketoconizole cream.

I was prescribed 2% ketoconizole cream for a skin fungal infection. Applied twice a day. After using it for just under a week I noticed some hearing sensitivity. Quite sounds that shouldn’t be bothersome were all of a sudden too loud and even my own voice bothered my ears if I spoke too loud. I kind of felt off balance a bit too. I kept using the cream for just over two weeks and then the hearing sensitivity seemed to get worse. So I’m stopping the medicine to see if it goes away. Has anyone had this reaction from this medication? Also is it likely this will resolve after medication is stopped? Only other medicine I’ve put in my body is Benadryl and I’ve taken it plenty of times I’m my life with no noticeable side effect. I don’t know what other factors in my life have changed other than high stress lately. Kind of in the dark on all this so any info or recommendations is much appreciated.

Symptoms familiar to anyone? Sudden onset + dizziness and light sensitivity

My sensitivity to noise started suddenly six weeks ago along with spinning sensation and debilitating eye strain/light sensitivity. No headache, but strong startle from regular noises and waves of dizziness/hollowness in my head.

(I had assumed this was a bad drug interaction from beta blocker bc I had just started St John's wort supplement when these symptoms started, but it's been over a month since I stopped both meds, so...) Currently waiting for an MRI.

Much thanks for your consideration.

Early stages- how to know when to protect?

I’ve had this for 2-3 weeks now. Sounds are loud and vibrate my ears. Voices, dishes clinking, toilet flushing. Had no sound trauma, woke up with it one day (have been under severe stress for the past two months). How do I know how much to protect? I don’t want to over protect but I don’t want to under protect? I’m not wearing earplugs inside but like I said even flushing the toilet hurts. I’m worried if I wear earplugs inside around natural noise it’s going to make me worse???


This is a really weird one but does anyone have problems with earrings with H?

Disturbed by sounds catching me by surprise. When I know they are about to happen, am not as disturbed.

Hi guys,

Having hyperacusis, mostly in left ear after a balloon burst into my face 3 weeks ago.

I have noticed something very strange. Will try to explain it :D

My wife has launched a laundry and our laundry machine plays a high pitched melody whenever a cycle is triggered. This caught me by surprise and I was disturbed by it. But then when I went myself to recreate the noise with the laundry machine, I wasnt disturbed by it.

Same thing with door slams, etc. It's like some noise disturb my ears ONLY when happening as a surprise. When I know they are about to happen, my ear doesnt react as negatively.

Does anyone here experiment such a thing ?

Feel like I just wanna kill myself

19m current problems: Hyperacusis (sound sensitivity) Tinnitus Hearing loss

Probably caused by excessive use of earphones at a moderately high volume or caused by TMJD according to the specialists I saw

Done 5 audiograms now and all turned out normal ENT told me to do an ABR test After the abr test I felt my right ear was full (from the sounds of the ABR maybe??) even tho audiologist said sounds aren't loud enough to cause damage when she was playing the sound it felt loud.

Anyways after I finished I went to get custom ear plugs, after the fitting process and molding the earplug into my ear the person doing it told me I had an inflammation in my ear? Immediately went to the ENT and he checked my ear and told me everything was normal.

Now the feeling of fullness in my right ear (the one I hear worse with, even tho it's not that big of a difference) is still there after 3 hours of doing all that stuff.

Can it be a temporary thing from the fitting process of the ear plug? Or is it a result of the relatively loud sound played in the ABR test? Maybe that's the feeling of auditory nerve inflammation???

Any insights appreciated thanks

Ear fullness due to ETD or hyperacusis?

Hey everyone! A little update from my previous post about a couple days ago. But to make a long story short. I have developed ETD and later on after a co worker slammed something next to my ear my tinnitus has been out of walk.

It's been about 3 weeks since then and most of my worst tinnitus symptoms have passed, however I seemed to have developed a new issue with watching TV. Anytime I'm watching TV my left ear feels clogged. Now, I went to urgent care due to pain and my doctor confirmed that my left ear is full of fluid, bulging, and the drum is red.

Now, with my sensitivity to the TV, could this be just a regular ETD thing? My other ear is full too just not red, and it seems somewhat mitigated when I chew food. Only for it to feel full again when I stop eating. What do you think is going on?

4th of July!!?

So what are we all gonna do for 4th of July? 🤣😓

Does anyone else have these symptoms?

While I do get occasional ear pain and some burning, the vast majority of my symptoms are in my head, neck, jaws, scm's and traps. When I hear sound, those area's all tighten and cause immense pain.

In the last few days, I have noticed all my muscles tensing up after hearing sound. Even at sounds that are far too low to cause any type of ear pain.

I have worked on relaxing and making sure that this is not just me tensing up when hearing sound. The sound does not hurt my ears. But it's as if my body is allergic to sound.

Does anyone else have these types of issues?

How do people get them easily?

I suffer from H for 4 years now , i seen a lot of people talking about different drugs like clomipramind and others and how beneficial They are… thing is i live in a country where you get drugs from Doctors prescription only and no doc here even unless about H & T how do other ppl get these drugs easily ? Do yall just get them though the pharmacy ?

For the girlies out there, how do you dry your hair? Any quiet hair dryers?

How do you dry and style your hair? Ive been using earplugs and then doing blow drying and ironing but the earplugs are giving me infections(I am always that one). I am of Indian descent so my hair's pretty thick and I have to dry it with tools. I'm wondering if there is a quiet hair dryer out there. I know the there will be a trade off in power. Guys with long hair welcome to give your input :)

Loudest sound I ever heard

I was walking over a bridge yesterday when a train passed beneath it. Tbf my ears have gotten more sensitive over the years to where I can’t shout anymore but overall still can go about my life normally.

But this train was LOUD. The particular frequencies of the screeching metal was like a punch to my eardrums, soon followed by a full feeling (which I find quite distressing, as it causes this sort of constant wincing type discomfort feeling and is trashing my mood). I have some tinnitus, am finding myself sensitive to sound (while somehow also having my hearing muffled), and the fullness is even worse today.

Has anyone had a similar acute experience?

I really miss listening to music

It's been eight month...

Experiences with TMS Therapy??

I recently started doing TMS therapy to treat the depression and OCD I’ve had since age 14. I’ve tried so many medications and had so many therapists and this is a last resort for me. I also have tinnitus and hyperacusis. However, I only have them in my right ear.

The thing about TMS is that it produces a weird sound in my head. The sound isn’t actually produced externally, the sound is created by the pulses hitting my brain. It’s like a thumping sound that I can hear and feel on my right temple. There is some external sound that the machine produces itself but I can’t hear it over the earplugs they gave me.

The thumping sound doesn’t hurt or bother my ears at all. However, I am worried about whether this would cause a setback with the hyperacusis or that it could possibly start in my left ear.

I asked the psychiatrist and he said that with proper hearing protection there is a very small chance it should worsen the tinnitus but they don’t know how it impacts hyperacusis.

Has anyone done TMS therapy? Did it cause a setback? Did it perhaps lessen your hyperacusis?

Just a matter of time

Since we got limited hair cells, and they die with loud sounds. Is it a matter of time before it gets worse and worse ?? Plus its almost imposible to avoid ALL loud sounds (I got tinnitus too)

Daiting with H

What do you and your partner does as activities? Like going out where what places ( not the specific location or name place just The idea of it) cuz I’m daiting and it’s has limitations I knw I want to know your experiences ! Thanks 🙏🏻

Opinion on Hroeenoi noise-canceling headphones

I was looking for noise-canceling headphones on tiktok since my sryhthm one doesn't work well anymore and hurts my ears. I stumbled upon the brand Hroeenoi. Overall it looks fairly nice and comfortable, but I wanted to know how well it blocks out noise. If you have any recommendations on what headphones are best, cheap, and easy on the ears I would very much appreciate it.

I was healing from hyperacusis / Letting my ears rest and had an unexpected microsuction from a first visit with some ent

On my way out the city noises were all louder and made my ears hurt regardless of their frequency. I immediately knew my hyperacusis had worsened… The dr was nice but he didnt even take the time to explain or ask me if I was comfortable with the "procedure". I only had a vague memory of people warning not to do it on this sub, and of course I had to be such a fucking yes-man.

Fuck me, I can’t with this shit anymore. Got hyperacusis + tmj and a whole host of neuromuscular issues.

I had been letting my ears rest for 2 fucking months. And I make music. (humbly beginning, serious perspective)


Soft torture

I can't believe this happened, after 3 years I'm still not accepting of this. One of my hardest issues is people not understand me when I explain it. Which I rarely do. My family have been told about it. My roommates have been told about it. I told my daughter once. Nobody ever even asks how I'm doing, if I'm alright. My mom was complaining to me on the phone about how a rubber silicone piece from an earbud stayed in her ear when she pulled a earbud out and how scary it was for her. In the back of my mind I'm thinking how ridiculous that is. But I agreed with her. Sometimes I think she don't even remember. I don't think I explained it well enough. Or I feel like they'd ask me how I was doing every once in a while. This crap is torture. I have PET as well as H all happened at the same time during a failed sinuplasty when the doctor dilated my ET when they were just fine. PET is where your Eustachian Tubes (ET) don't close, so when I breathe the air inflated my eardrums, my vocal cords have a direct connection to my eardrums so my voice sounds really loud in my head. My eardrums suck in and out during breathing so I feel all the pressure changes as well. But I'd rather have that than the hyperacusis. I wish I could let them feel and hear what I hear for one day just so they could better understand. I don't know why I'm like that. I don't want them to suffer, I'd never trade my spot for theirs. I need to realize them showing me empathy isn't going to fix anything. I need to accept this but I don't know how. I feel like I'm suffering, my quality of life is so bad, it's on my mind 24/7 how unfair this is. How I have nobody that I can relate with, nobody in real life that understands. It's crazy how ears aren't even given a second thought or appreciated when they are functioning normal. Taking things for granted is so real. Thanks for hearing me out on my rant.

Soundprint is an app that tracks noise levels in restaurants, so people can choose quieter venues

I was reading a post about Portland (OR) where people were complaining about how LOUD the restaurants and establishments are. I found it validating and thought I'd share.

Also, someone mentioned the Soundprint app in the comments, which might be useful for people trying to re-engage socially and are looking for safer spaces to venture to, so I thought I'd share that link too.

What Soundprint is about https://www.soundprint.co/about/story

Quiet lists by city https://www.soundprint.co/quiet-lists

Reddit post of people finding noisy environments uncomfortable, for validation https://www.reddit.com/r/Portland/comments/1dmvgul/me_at_every_new_hip_portland_barrestaurant/

Ear fullness when watching tv

Hey all! I actually made a post here about reactive tinnitus, I thought it was getting better but now I'm not so sure.

It seems like when I watch TV like on a low volume (like 15-20) I get this tingly feeling in my ear.

My laptop speakers also seem to make my tinnitus on my left ear spike. I think It's from the acustic truama that I got at work- but I currently have Eustachian tube dysfunction.

Could the ETD be exasperating my symptoms or am I In a bad spot. What should I do and what should I nog do?should I keep trucking along and hope that my ear calms down and avoid really loud noises

My trigger sounds are fireworks, thunderstorms, other similar sounds... and i have no idea what to do

i have read people recommending active noise headphones, earplugs or earmuffs

but the thing is that those kind of sounds are above 100 Db, there is no way i can block that.

I've tried using earmuffs + earplugs and i would still get startled of those sounds...

i also thought if some kind of therapy would help with this?

what would you guys do in my situation?

I have no idea how to deal with this. thank you

Has anyone tried earmuffs with ANC inside them?

Bose noise cancelling headphones produce a pretty similar result to earmuffs, but there are earmuffs that ALSO have ANC inside them. Has anyone tried them?