I’ve watched this show millions of times and still don’t know the answer.

How the hell was Wes the love of Laurels life? First of all, they dated for 5 minutes. They barely got the chance to really get to know one another. Yeah, they went through a lot together, but so did everyone else in that house.

Second, no one knew about them except Annalise, Frank, and Meggy. I might be missing something, but how did everyone else find out since they kept it a secret? I don’t remember anyone explicitly talking about it, besides Connor when he asked, “did you 2 just have a lovers quarrel?”, after their last fight before he died. And that part when Wes told Michaela in the flashback she had of him after his death.

And lastly, probably the most important, he never told Laurel he loved her back. That one time she said it to him over the phone, he just literally looked at the phone and then hung up. Even after that scene, he never told her he loved her back.

I think this was a combination of terrible planning and lazy writing.