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The ending lmao Discussion

What the ??? Just what?! My momma had me at 39 and she doesn't even look as old as Great Grandma Laurel. I don't understand why she made them that old. Unrealistic. Anneliese was much older than them, ha ha. Laurels was the worse.

Love Annalise but why so mean to Bonnie?Spoilers

Rewatching now into s2 and some of the treatment of Bonnie kinda is annoying. I know she was pissed about Rebecca but Franks done worse. I know they get into their relationship in later seasons. It's been awhile since I saw it, but is her treatment of Bonnie justified? It's pretty bad

If you can remember, on your first watch, who did you think...Spoilers

Killed Rebecca? I can't really remember my first time watching what I thought but I am pretty sure I thought Annalise killed Rebecca. This show was pretty good at throwing some twists out there.

Michella Fcking PrattDiscussion

Is it just me Or this michella character is the most annoying ever. Like whatever she just says, even a normal thing, seems so infuriating that it gets under my nevers. How can one be so effortlessly annoying, ugly and wanker?

Season 6 question. Discussion

I'm confused again. Why is Nate telling Teagan to watch her back from Anneliese? What the heck did she do? She told Bonnie and Nate that it was Miller so they both wouldn't feel bad. Now all of a sudden they're mad at her? They both killed Miller. Not annelise. So wtf? This show is really pissing me off haha. Can someone explain what I'm missing?

my hot take/theoryDiscussion

okay so i finished the series recently and i‘m rewatching it. i keep on thinking to myself: what would’ve happened if another member of the k5 had showed up to get the body. in the scene where wes goes back to get sam’s body and the trophy, we hear him saying “im sorry” and annalise replies with “dont be”. we already know that annalise favourited wes because she blamed herself for what happened to his mother. but what if another member showed up that night to get the body, say laurel? i dont know if its just me but i feel like annalise never liked laurel especially in season 1. so if she went back for the body, would annalise have reacted differently? would she have turned her in? idk lemme know what y’all think.

Do people like Annalise mom?Discussion

I just started a rewatch. I saw this a few years back and I'm hooked back into it. Just got passed the part where Ophelia? Anna Maes mom come. I found her funny and straight forward lol do people like her

Most vile scene..SpoilerDiscussion

Season 1 Episode 7

The scene when Wes and Rebecca first hook up but the scenes flash between them and Lila’s recently re-dug up body decomposing and they’re reevaluation of it. Was that scene unsettling for anybody else??

Has Annalise ever won a case with a "Not Guilty" verdict?Discussion

I've seen this show so many times and I don't think Annalise has won a case legally, all of her "wins" have been illegal wins. Has she ever won a case w/ a not guilty verdict?

WHO IS EGGS 911?SpoilerSpoilers

I’m at the beginning of season 2, and I have some questions I need to be spoiled. I cannot sit through a show without knowing what will happen, which is why I always need spoilers.

• who is “eggs 911”?

• do Conner and Oliver stay together (I need them too for my mental stability)

• why is Annelise shot in the twin's house? Please explain everything that happens around that.

• does anyone find out Frank killed Lila?

Please don’t hold back on spoilers because I must know everything. Thanks!


Just here to say wow that men had a high spermatozoid count

my take on the big 3 (spoilers!)SpoilerDiscussion

just finished htgawm a few days ago and i have to say… it was definitely an experience. I went on reddit and saw all these people having their takes on characters so I wanted to try it out on the big 3 (pls don’t hate this is for fun).

1) Annalise

okay so starting off with the star of show, annalise is quite the character. I feel like she was such an independent child and so when she saw that the k5 was in trouble she saw herself in each of them and felt the need to step up and protect them even if it was never her place. I can see why she felt the need to with wes due to his mother and whatnot, but she began to see herself as his maternity figure and it was very noticeable to say the least. I also ADORED her character development. alot of people say that she didnt have any, but i beg to differ. in the early seasons she was very much giving off that ” dont f with me” attitude and even seemed cold. but near the end we got to see more of her soft side and i loved that for her. not to mention her relationship with her mom which was adorable! she’s such a complex character who definitely tries her best to improve and honestly great for her.

2) Bonnie

alot of people have mixed feelings about bonnie but personally i like her. she felt like the real glue of the crew, always keeping them calm during all the chaos. although I didn’t like miller, i loved how happy he made her, it was literally adorable. I really liked her hair the first season but I have no clue what happened after that. she clearly went through so much and i love her and annalise’s relationship. I BAWLED when she and frank died!!! she was underestimated a LOT though. i feel like in the beginning of the series, the k5 didn’t even respect her and they kinda just thought of her as the mousey assistant but soon learned that wasn’t the case.

3) Frank

okay so i kinda love/hated frank. NOBODY could have prepared me for the shock of him being SAM’S KID like what?! I miss his S1 hair!!! he looked like handsome squidward when he went bald 😭 he was kinda annoying to me sometimes but he pulled through in the end when he killed the governor. so sad he and bonnie died!! I did kindaa ship him and laurel in the start but him and bonnie r for sure a better fit. he’s impulsive and insensitive but a total softie at heart!!


I'm so confused with season 4 episode 13. Who's Marcus and where did he even come from? Why did she cheat on Asher after ruining her 20,000 dollar dress just to get him back? Am I missing something?

WHO IS EGGS 911?SpoilerSpoilers

I’m at the beginning of season 2, and I have some questions I need to be spoiled. I cannot sit through a show without knowing what will happen, which is why I always need spoilers.

• who is “eggs 911”?

• do Conner and Oliver stay together (I need them too for my mental stability)

• why is Annelise shot in the twin's house? Please explain everything that happens around that.

• does anyone find out Frank killed Lila?

Please don’t hold back on spoilers because I must know everything. Thanks!

Hannah Keating SpoilerDiscussion

This may have been talked about already but what do people think happened to Hannah?! Did she kill herself because she was too ashamed to testify to the incest with Sam or did Frank kill her?!

Unpopular Opinion: Annaliese is to blame. Discussion

Unpopular Opinion: Annaliese is to blame.

I know many people will disagree with me when I make this point. However, deep down, Annaliese (AK) is the unintended reason why the things in the show occur the way they do. Now, the question as to whether she deserves blame is undoubtedly clear: no. I do not think that AK does deserve to be punished for this crime. She is a sexual assault victim who her therapist groomed. Those around her constantly used her, and she is a victim to me. However, while one is a victim, one can still be an assailant. And let's talk about it.

Her class: AK teaches a law course that teaches first-year law students the opposite of an ethics course. Now, this course is greenlit and even adversities by the university, so it means she is not doing this in secrecy. Again, this is another reason she deserves no punishment.

This class, however, is immoral, which is the point. As a PhD student, I can rightfully say no class would ever advise students to break the law literally. Awarding someone for sleeping with someone for information, stalking, and rattling out a father???? And this is the first season?

Great for drama. But in a realistic context, these students are doing terrible things to get a win in the court of law. And she teaches this. She teaches them that they can always get away with murder. We learn in psychology that humans model the behavior they observe or are taught. So if your professor, who is why you are attending a law program, tells you it is your right to get away with a crime, what will you do? And you now have the knowledge to do it?

The Keating 5: I think people overlook the abuse of the K5 from AK and colleagues. Let's break this down.

Firstly, AK dangles her favoritism around with a trophy. These are competitive, hungry, issue-riddled young adults looking for admiration, especially from a mentor. Imagine the best person you admired awarding you for being unique and competent?!!!

People do more for less.

But the trophy means nothing!! She tells this straight to Mikaela. So basically, she makes these students work for free(!!) on top of a regular law course load. As a currency, she gives them social validation while making them compete and distrust one another, thus isolating them further from anyone (their classmates, teammates, etc.) to the point that even one tries to steal the trophy because she feels so broken. My dad used to do this to us all the time- he would act like we needed to earn his approval for love, and only the best ones deserved it. My siblings and I bullied one another to get some of that toxic love just for him to laugh in our faces and say it was never there. AK isn't their mom by any means, but she defiantly manipulates them. They constantly ask for a break to study, and she believes their needs, like their grades, are beneath her. What kind of teacher does that? Eventually, this leads them to crash and burn; it's just crazy how much she ruins their professional lives but uses her reputation as if that makes up for them being at the bottom of their class.

The Keating Home: now I think people would automatically assume I will attack Sam. But as I stated before, she was a victim of Sam's abuse as well, so that is not who I’m going to focus on. My biggest issue will always be Frank. What kind of teacher would invite their students to learn in an environment where a murderer actively preys on young female students? I always feel like people debate Laurel versus Frank—who messed with Who, but as somebody who knows how people operate, it is evident that Frank saw Laurel having low self-esteem, used that to get with her, and then fell in love with her. How often do we need the show to remind us through Bonnie that he does this? He’s a grown man who literally will use women. He’s gross, and then you find out a lot about his backstory, so it makes you like him a little more, but ultimately, his biggest crime is that he’s a full-blown murderer.

AK and then Sam used him to implicate students in his crimes. I get upset when people say where the origin of everything started when it started with Sam and Frank. Sam had the motive Frank had to oblige. In the end, we saw that Sam was willing to kill Rebecca. He was a killer, And AK knew that Frank was someone who could be manipulated and would kill (she did it all the time). She constantly had this ticking time bomb around these students, like it was unsafe.

Bonnie was the only reasonable and protector in that house. And how is she dying because somebody wants to kill AK?

Diecussion: AK taught the kids how to get away with murder and taught them not to question the morality of it. She used them constantly to the point they were inappositely involved in her life, thus making their feelings about doing immoral things questionable. We see this happen all the time with evil leaders; they get their followers emotionally dependent on them to the point that they forget to question simple things like right and wrong.

Adding to that, she taught them how to get away with it, too!!

And then she put them in an unsafe Enviroment. While she didn’t know for sure that Sam killed Lila, she knew he was involved and continued to have the students around. She didn’t realize Frank was involved, but she knew his character. She should have pointed it together once she knew Sam had an affair.

I always believed that she had chosen not to try to solve it. She's too intelligent.

It was inevitable that some students would eveunatally be implicated in her mess and that there would be some issues regarding her staff. This happens to be the time.


So again, I don’t think that AK deserves to pay for these crimes. She did not commit any crimes, and she didn’t purposely try to harm these students. But do I think she’s responsible for this mess? Absolutely.

No matter how smart, cunning, firm, or unique she is… she's terrible. She has hurt so many people.

Standout AK terrible moment for me: episode 1x8- AK defends a mother who believes she is responsible for murdering her Nanny. Spoiler alert: it was the husband who set his wife up after learning that the nanny was having an affair with him and sleeping with his son.

AK: without consulting the client or family, sets the husband up on the stand to confess to murder. The wife says she ruined her family. AK says their wife will be thanking her one day.

Real life: AK betrayed her client's trust. She embarrassed a family and destroyed the relationship between a father and son. She ruined a marriage (yes, the husband is to blame, but it wasn't her right to do it that way, knowing she could have spoken to her client privately). Additionally, what if Dad didn't kill because he was jealous? What if he felt like his son (who also contracts an std from the nanny similar to him) was taken advantage of? While that doesn't justify his crime, it could have been why he deserves a relationship with his soon.

The wife voices her frustration, not about the husband going to jail, but how it all went down. AK calls the wife weak and then ignores her. And she has no remorse!!!!! Wild!

I would think this woman is crazy!

A lot of the show showcases that her being involved and winning her cases often leads to so much hurt to these defendants. She will always choose winning over morality. If those two things align, she’ll be happy, but we will see how she treats people. She doesn’t care about them, which can extend to the environment, and she thinks she asked them to do it. I think she has a responsibility to conduct herself better and chooses not to, at least to the point of leading people to question their selves.

She’s so confident that she’s right; it would make me think that maybe I should also begin acting like her. But overall, I think she should have done much better when teaching her students the difference between right and wrong or that winning at all costs shouldn’t be the goal.

The endingSpoilerDiscussion

I just finished the show and my heart is absolutely shattered. The fact that Christopher is the new teacher?? He still calls it htgawm??? ANNALISE IN THE SEATS??? I've been crying for about ten minutes now, but this show is amazing. I would love to hear everyone's thoughts 🫶🏻

Two thing make show very good and more better to seeDiscussion

I see again the show is one of my fave simply put it one is the best!!! Two thing I see to make the show very good is one thing they choose actor that not conveshionally beautiful they all below the average and make it more like real life to believe the show! Very genius truthfully and second thing I like that Annalise is angry African lady and they talk about how she black a lot because it frustration people put community in and we need to appreciate!!! In day and age where final Trump was President and the TikTok’s and Instagram is very important that we see it!!! Brava miss shonda rhyme! I do love this show an on season 2 re watch now

About the GovernorSpoilerSpoilers

Am I the only one who didn’t find her at all intimidating? Aside from her irritating voice, her acting felt really subpar which is weird considering she’s portrayed as the final main villain of the show.

only started watching this show because i heard it had IAMX songs in itDiscussion

while i did indeed start the show because im a big IAMX fan and was excited to see a show include his music, i was pleasantly surprised with how the show progressed, the plot became captivating enough (for me at least) to continue watching, i even missed 2-3 songs that played because of how focused i was on the scene playing. however, i will say that i wasn’t expecting Volatile Times and The Unified Field to start playing during s3x scenes, i don’t see them as being very fitting for that kind of action, but they somehow managed to make the songs fit anyway, so congrats for that