Greeting, I am looking for information on how many companies, if any, does it take to keep a hotel running? It is for a story (fanfic, wattpad, I don't know since as you can probably tell I am not good enough at writing to make a living from it) I am intending to write but I want it to be as accurate as possible. I want to know for things like how hotels replace things like beds, comforters, pillows, desks, and whatever else needs replacing or fixing. If they use a company to get the food or ingredients necessary to give food to the occupants who order it. Things like that. A cleaning place is not necessary as the owner of the hotel heads the cleaning staff. His uncle suggested that since he likes cleaning, he could run a hotel to make money and clean as much as he wants.

Again, as I seem to have ranted, how many companies are needed by a hotel to keep it in operation?