So I’ve just read all of the books, which took me about a year so I don’t remember all the details of the first ones. Then I watched the first movie yesterday and was caught thinking about what Firenze said about Voldemort drinking unicorn blood.

Quoted from memory, but basically: “Taking the life of something so pure and beautiful you will live a half life, a cursed life”.

Ok, sure. But Voldy had already split his soul making the horrocruxes and seeing all the other shitty things he’d done too, I’d say his existence was already quite cursed. And I get that he had already sunk so low that drinking unicorn blood wasn’t something he thought twice about.

The question remains though, did drinking the unicorn blood actually do anything to (harm/curse) him at all - other than allowing him to stay alive for a bit longer? How would it effect someone not being a half-dead all-evil overlord?