today is a great day to be a goblin.

r/goblincore132.2K subscribers3 active
User Link Sharing: Shops and Content CreatorsAnnouncement

Welcome goblins!

One of the more frequent requests around here was to have a stickied thread for sharing personal links, so here we go! If you are a content creator or have a shop that fits the r/goblincore aesthetic, please comment here to share. Additionally, feel free to utilize the user flairs to include your links.

To assist other users browsing, please include the following in your comment:

  • Shop/Page/User Name
  • Direct Link(s)
  • Category (shop, content creator, services, etc.)
  • Description
  • If you've posted your work in r/goblincore before, feel free to link to those posts

Please note, this is intended to share original content/creations. Stolen, re-hosted, or spammed content will be removed.

Pinnedby kmjulianModerator🦎
Come join r/GoblinPenpals!Announcement

Yesterday u/perplexxicon made a post asking if anyone else would be interested in the idea of being penpals to send things to, and it got a lot of attention. I contacted them with the suggestion of turning it into its own sub, I love the idea myself and know these things are easier to keep track of when they have their own place. I'm mod here and also in r/penpals, and have now combined the two!

If you're interested, come join r/GoblinPenpals!

Right now, the rules are simple:

  • Be nice
  • No public information
  • No soliciting (i.e., no sales)
  • Platonic friends only

There are currently no requirements such as account age, karma, or a character limit. But please know you must be at least 13 years old, because that's the minimum age to use Reddit.

And it's not only for packages, feel free to join even if you just want to be email penpals with someone!

Pinnedby AllKindsOfCrittersgoblin mod 🌲