definitely original this time I swear.

Lets imagine a scenario where some carbrain shows off their “wonderful” 2023 Toyota 4Runner with 13 mpg because of all of the heavy modifications they added that will only be used twice ever. You want to leave this one-sided conversation, but how?

it’s simple.

“No thanks, I’d rather drive a Prius”

Their truck-shaped brain (including the bed) will collapse inward at the thought of somebody not falling head over heels for their SUV. They will sputter and die at the idea that someone would willingly drive the (from their perspective) gayest car in existence.

They will get mortally wounded at the thought of you choosing to drive a 56 MPG car (🤢)

Thus allowing you to walk away without another word.

(i’m not advertising priuses i’m not an undercover salesman i swear.)

ETA because I forgot to put this in: the reason why Prius is being said instead of say, an electric bike or scooter is because to them, saying Prius is more personal, if you say bike or scooter you will likely be dismissed