Context, I'm going to be 18, recloseted ftm pre-transition, pulled out of the closet last year, I live in Brazil and with my evangelical parents.

I've been through some prejudices before, from being called a devil, saying that God could kill the person I love to make me suffer, being called mentally ill according to my mother, people like me being considered pedos and many other things, I've already tried to kill myself, but it didn't work out at all, among others.

I know the title sounds like a lie, but I really wish it was πŸ’€.

My aunt called me and talked privately about me having demonic thoughts (just the dysphoria I've felt since I was 7, that can't be the devil shit). I obviously lied, pfttt, my safety first. Then out of nowhere she started saying, "You know how your mother blames herself for you being trans, she's very worried. You've stopped having those thoughts, right? It's just that when you see yourself as a boy, you go being attracted to girls and wanting to "cuddle" your sister. You know that's how the devil does it" πŸ’€. (like, she's 13)


Where the hell did she get that??? Who the hell is attracted to siblings??? That shit she said doesn't make any sense. Like, I love her (my aunt), but what she said was ridiculous. Does this mean that when my 9-year-old brother gets older he will have these desires for his sister???

Seriously man, I still can't believe it. Where did she get that??? It's a fact that I'm affectionate with everyone in the family. I give hugs and kisses on the cheek, if I could I would do the same (mainly hugs) with my friends and teachers (I consider them friends). And I'm ace, why the hell would I feel that???


Fuck, I'm even swearing, I never thought I'd hear shit like that. Where did this idea come from?? From Freud by any chance??? I don't even know what it's like to feel sexual attraction for being an ace, much less romance (I don't think I can have that because I feel too dysphoric for that and because I grew up in a very religious environment, which I'm sure affected me in my development, so far it hasn't I understand jokes for adults a lot of the time).


Damn, I know it must be hard for parents to find out about this, especially religious parents, but I gave them like 7 months without raising my voice just so they could process this. They haven't even come to try to understand my point of view or ask me since when I feel this way. It seems like they think that only they suffer, or that I didn't care about their feelings! Damn, when I found out I was crying my eyes out because I thought I let Jesus down (fortunately I managed to reconcile this shit through a dream where Jesus said where I need to improve and the fact that he didn't say anything about being trans) and my parents! To make matters worse, I have to go to a church that is not open and I have to hear a lot of very prejudiced things to say the least.


I don't understand when they say I'm regressing. Since last year I have been making an effort to love others more, have empathy, compassion, not hold grudges and inform myself more about things


I know they love me, but damn, I'm going to need a break. My goal is to try to get into Brazilian navy school, since when I graduate I will have a six-month trip around the world reviewing everything I learned and then moving directly to another state. The only problem is that I'm going to have to enter as a female (dysphoria is going to kill me here) since I won't be able to change my documents, or take t without having money and being expelled. My only fear about this is what it would be like to start the transition inside. I can already see the prejudice and if this is stupid they could still disqualify me (by the way, it would be really cool if they gave affirmative treatment there, especially top surgery).


Seriously, I love them with all my life and I forgive easily, but that was fucked up. Has anyone ever experienced something like this or am I really fucked up? Serious, are the straight okay??