Found Footage

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Please help us improve our Found Footage Wiki Page!Announcement

In case you never noticed it on on the sidebar...

It's pretty barebones at the moment, so here's a weekend project for anybody who is interested in helping our community become better informed!

Please suggest more sections, additions to our existing sections, and whatever else you think would improve our wiki by commenting below so I can integrate them!

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A very entertaining watch: Shadow of the Missing User Review

It has a basic FF premise: filmmakers visit a haunted church and things go wrong. What adds a several unexpectedly entertaining layers to it are the supporting characters and their commentary. If you enjoy dry, British humor, I highly recommend giving it a watch (It’s on Tubi).

It has some brilliant, deadpan one liners like:

”I made a film about the last day at school because it was the last day of school and I wanted to make a film.”


”These large, white occult markings Indicate that someone got a great deal on white paint.”


”She’s fallen into the catacombs! Look at that lovely brick work.”

I will definitely be giving it a second watch.

Most realistic FFDiscussion

What is the most realisic found footage film you were so immersed in, that you forgot it was film ?

Would an uptick in streams of Horror in the High Desert nudge the powers that be to release part 3?Discussion

I know it’s a real long shot, but if a group of us started streaming the first film en masse, is it possible Prime Video would view it as a trend and finally decide to release Firewatch? It’s free. I can’t imagine that it would hurt. I’d stream it all day in the background if I thought it might have any sort of impact.

It’s incredible how they’ve held Dutch and the entire fanbase hostage all these months.

What makes or break a ff film?Discussion

What pulls u out of a ff? What make a ff great? What is a common trait in ff that’s overplayed and overused?

I’m trying to make a found footage film but I don’t want it to just end up free on Tubi, I want it to stand out, I have the screenplay done, but just want to hear anything that ruins ff films or something that makes them better, commment anything below. Will be helpful, also watching a bunch of ff films to study up!


Hello I was wondering if you lott could help me find a film I've been looking for a while and can't seem to place it or remember the title for the life of me. I remember these ppl go to sort of an all male nunnery where monks live to investigate or witness their rituals and exorsisms etc and turns out they were all orchestrated and fake. They were doing black magic rituals and summoning demons and shit. I remember it being very good can't find it anywhere. It isn't the borderlands(final prayer) it's not the devils doorway. Simillar to immaculate if I remember correctly but this was better done and ff obviously. Any help or suggestions would be appreciated. Thank you!

The Devil's DoorwayDiscussion


Did anyone saw this ? I feel like it's even better than Borderlands, very good found footage

Any basics to brush up on?Help Needed

So I’ve been wanting to make a found footage series for a long time, and I pulled my parents old camera out of the closet and I’m ready to go. Only issue, is that the sd card only lets the camera record 10 second clips. I feel this is something I can incorporate into the series, something I can use at a strength. But I’m not sure how to do that, and I’m not sure what I want the series to be about! Any recommendations I should watch through or brush up on to inspire me?

Your favorite found footage fact or trivia?Discussion

My favorite one is that the director of Cannibal Holocaust had to go to court to prove the actors in the movie weren’t actually dead. My not so favorite fact is that they actually killed an animal in that movie :(

Noroi The CurseFull Movie

I’ve wanted to see Noroi for a long time and found a solid copy on YouTube today. Here’s the link in case anyone is interested!

Can we get a list of movies that are commonly mistaken as found footage?Discussion

My whole time I've been here I feel like half my posts are correcting someone about a movie when it's not actually found footage. I feel like a dick when I do that but I just can't help myself lol. The most common ones I see and correct others on are :

End of Watch (only a few scenes are shot with Gyllenhaal's character's camera)

Chernobyl Diaries (the opening shots are filmed with a camera, which seems to set it up as a FF but only one other scene is, when Jesse McCartney's character is in the van and his girlfriend is recording)

District 9 (about 30-50% of the movie is news reels/mockumentary type, but a lot of the movie is not a traditional FF)

Skinamarink (unless the little kids are operating the cameras, it is not FF. Just shot in a weird way haha)

Can't think of any more off the top of my head, but these are the most common mistakes!

In my opinion, The Bay is the best 4th of July found footage/horror movie!Discussion

I think it's the only found footage 4th of July movie but whatever it's still the best! In general, Jaws and Independence Day (and many others) are deservedly much more highly regarded for this holiday but in the FF space, I love watching The Bay on the 4th! Honestly it's kind of the unofficial kick off to the Halloween season for me and I'm not ashamed to admit it. My birthday is in August and when I was younger there were always halloween related gifts because everyone knew it was my favorite. Then of course it's full swing all in to the max halloween by September! Lame or not, I'm about to start The Bay and I'm excited and had to share it with some of the only people on the planet who might be able to relate. Happy 4th FF friends!!

Anything new on Tubi these days?Advice Needed

I’ve seen all the regulars and a lot of the uncommon stuff, just curious if anyone has run across something new on Tubi (or YouTube or wherever) that isn’t seeing much discussion.

Please Help me Find This MovieSolved!

Hello Fellow F.F. lovers. I need help finding the title if a F.F. film I saw once and can't find again. It's a "Grave Encounters" type plot. I remember that there are a group of people investigating an abandoned hospital or prison or orphanage. I remember that during the course of the film they find an abandoned Meth Lab ( I think) on the premises. A guy disappears by going into a hatch in the ceiling. At the end of the film, the final girl escapes by crawling through a tunnel that leads to the outside. That is all I remember. I would love to see this movie again to see if I liked it as much as the first time I saw it. I have been searching for this movie for a long while, looking through all the lists I can find but I cant locate it. I may be confusing two different movies but I dont think so. Does this sound familiar to anyone. - Thanks

Found Footage The SeriesDiscussion

Holy Hell! So I was just looking for a new FF movie to watch on Tubi and I came upon a Found Footage Anthology TV Series. This has always been a dream for someone to make a Found Footage Anthology TV Series it is such an amazing concept and there is so much you can do with it. So I started it and I actually really enjoyed the first couple of episodes but then it dropped off badly by like episode 4 the rest of them were so ridiculous, shot horribly, and the acting was just horrendous and the story they were trying to tell was just ridiculous. If you do watch it maybe just stick to the first 3 episodes they are the only halfway decent ones I would say. It’s really disappointing to finally get a FF TV Series and it flops I really hope someone does it again in the near future and does it right Netflix should really do it man it could be epic! One can dream! Happy 4th Y’all!

The Kaos BriefDiscussion

Hello Yall! I just found this movie on Tubi The Kaos Brief.My god what a ride It was such a good movie with great characters, camera work, and story. It’s an Alien Found Footage Movie with a twist. Four friends go off to the woods for a spring break trip and that’s all I’ll say I don’t want to ruin it but it seems it’s just a movie like that will take place in the woods the whole time but a shocking twist it doesn’t! If you have a chance give it a watch if you have seen it let me know if you liked it! Bye Yall

Thompson Extension found footageOriginal Content

I animated a found footage short myself. Check it out if you want :)

Look (2007) SPOILER QUESTIONSDiscussion

Who are the people going through the drive thru in the last few mins...are they part of an earlier story? Is the forgotten school books knapsack fellow the guy that comes to the convenience store? TIA!