So I've taken a shine to the cat that is located just north of Welch station; Murgle is his name if you aren't familiar with his majesty. And I've been spending the better part of the last few hours building up a camp with the sole intent being to protect him from any stray mole miners that might come up that hill.

Well while putting the finishing touches on said camp, I got a visitor from the casual team I was hosting who proceeded to look through my vendor and use my workbenches, the usual. but I guess at some point this person got somewhat bored and decided to take a few cheeky shots at my fresh camp. When I didn't bother reacting beyond a confused emote, they proceeded to shoot that beautiful cat.. and let me tell you, a reaction is exactly what they got from me. I'm still so mad and it's been at least 30 minutes since this happened.

I just don't understand what would drive someone to shoot a cat, a creature that poses no threat nor any benefit to killing. I guess all this really means to me is that my belief that cats deserve plot armor is cemented in now... End rant.

Tldr; guy killed the cat I built a camp to protect and I'm big mad about it.