My husband and I are going to start trying soon, and I have been starting to consider a lot how much my body is going to change.

I've been hearing a lot of "you just wait" statements from coworkers for years, and a lot of that has been really scary. One thing I've heard a lot is that pregnancy "destroys" or "wrecks your body" and "enjoy your life/body/boobs while you can."

Here is the purpose of my post: My husband and I are going on our honeymoon and he wanted to buy me some nice, and somewhat expensive swimsuits (since I always buy cheap ones from Amazon, and he wanted me to have something nice to wear). He loves my fit body and loves when I show it off in a bikini. I told him not to waste his money since everyone has scared the crap out of me, and I would only be able to wear it this summer anyway, since I'm afraid that my "body will be destroyed" thereafter, and I don't think I will be able to fit in them/look good in them ever again. He thinks this is crazy, and that I will be able to wear them again someday.

Can someone maybe share their experience with me? Not saying "did you get your body back" but did people scare you into thinking your body would be wrecked/destroyed? Or were you able to wear some of your pre-baby swimsuits/dresses?