32f years old, graduated with a BS in biology in fricken 2015, and what am I doing? Working as a useless medical assistant and still living at home. I had no idea what to do when I graduated and I still have no idea wtf to do, except that I wish I could go to med school and can’t let it go, but I’m a loser that would have no chance of getting in because of just an average GPA and didn’t do shit besides go to school then home. I really don’t think I could do nursing just for the fact idk how they put up with the BS they do from anyone and everyone, including each other. I’ve spent so much time trying to find/decide what to do, and idk wtf to do. It was such a waste of money to go to college, I’m never going to amount to anything/accomplish anything, hell, even just fricken move out. So much for being “smart,” I’m just a worthless loser.

Edit: I’ve done therapy and I’m in therapy and have tried several therapists AND psychiatrists and guess what, it doesn’t help everyone like everyone on Reddit seems to believe