Four Fields Production Costs are bankrupting me

I had 19,000,000 so I thought “it’s almost January so I’ll buy everything on the map but the wind turbines” and then time jumped 3 times so my harvest was ready…

Something is costing me 8 - 10 million in production costs a month and there are a billion options(gross exaggeration but there are at least a hundred options) for production points on Four Fields so I can’t narrow it down every farm has a 2 production points with multiple options plus BGA and Greenhouses etc

So I’m just curious if anyone else has played, noticed the same costs and figured out what has put me 11,000,000 in debt and can save me before I go insane?

I had just done my first planting of parsnips which would probably put me back in the black and they’re ready to be harvested but I haven’t bought a harvester for them yet so can’t harvest until I’ve settled my debts and bought a harvester