Moved to the Netherlands two years ago outside of Western Europe, my name is a dead giveaway that I'm not a local. This summer I decided to spoil myself a little and have a little trip around Europe. In one of the cities where I decided to stay I made a big misktale: I paid for an apartment instead of a hotel.

Now, sure, the prices were the lowest, so should've suspected something. Sure, an owner of a private estate is not entitled to the same standards as everyone else. Sure, a significant part of the blame is on me as I didn't read the entire page carefully enough. But still:

I rented an apartmant at one of French cities for 3 nights for a price of 180 euros, non-refundable ("It's not like I'm cancelling it anyway!", thought u/Shevvv). Having notified the owner that I would arive between 8:00PM and 9:00PM (the train is scheduled to arrive at 8:18PM) I though I was done. Check-in time adjustment rejected: the owner only checks in between 5PM and 6PM. Very drily (and in French) I am advised to re-read the contract. Yes, it turns out that at the bottom of the page (way below the big blue "Book now!" button) there's a line saying "checking between 5PM and 6PM". My bad. Should've looked better. I ask whether an exception can be made with the help of Google.Translate as the owner is definitely inclined to have the conversation in French.

"Today I checked in two students who were both on time between 5PM and 6PM and from the European Union". Whoa. What does THAT have to do with anything? Kindly I offer my apologies for not having read the page from top to bottom and asking whether I can cancel my booking with a refund (made 8 hours ago, a month in advance). The reply is "yes, according to the terms of the contract. Not my problem you can't get here in time" (hint at "I get to keep your 180 euros since it said non-refundable"). Frustrated, I try to find another solution, like spending a night at a hostel maybe and checking in during the sacred 5 to 6 pm timeslot on the next day of my 3 night stay instead, while still paying the full price (since they are not giving a cent back). The reply to me asking to check in on the next day of my 3 night stay is "according to the terms of the contract you are to check in between 5 to 6 PM on %INSERT_DATE%. I don't get why you think you belong to a special group of people when everyone else follows the rules". Another hint at me not being in the same group with "everyone else".

I blow up and write to them in my politest English how I don't appreciate their implication about me not being from EU, their lack of politeness and the expectations that his cheap lodgings would exclusively be booked by EU tourists. Funny enough, the page of their lodging lists two available languages: English and French. Their reply to me having had enough of Google.Translate and ranting purely in English? "You are travelling to France, so speak French". Truly the double standarts in regards to information listed on their page: You do everything I say and I do none of what I have myself listed.

Am I the asshole here? I feel like I'm an easy person to scam when it's being done politely, but this, this was anything but polite. Even worse, I feel like the owner was just looking for an excuse to reject me simply because my name isn't European.