Looking back now i want to focus only on the positive things from this year and surprisingly they were quite a few):

  • All the artists being brave and vocal about freedom in the word
  • It was the most diverse Eurovision in terms of songs and this year we had everything. I love how so many countries decide to showcase their culture and even tell us folklore stories (Slovenia and Norway)
  • All the love Joost received before, during and after. It's quite something i guess to receive this kind of acceptance by so many people. And imo this is more important than any tropht
  • Marina and Nemo's friendship: these two ere complete unknowns when they stepped their foot in Malmo (hadn't even interacted in pre-parties) and literally met backstage. Yet they were so supportive and happy for each other. Their friendship even convinced the respective juries to give the highest points lol. Them celebrating together honestly made today feel a little bit better.
  • Croatia. Maybe they didn't win but the love they received and the excitement and i guess the whole journey was great. BL's story is trully inspiring and i hope to see him again on stage. He was great.
  • Iolanda choosing noot going for a high-caliber fashion brand instead choosing to wear a palestian brand. Go girl.
  • Artists like Bambie, Marina, Nemo etc. being themselves throughout and not having their vision and identity compromised.
  • Italy's runaway from obvious reasons. Smart girl.