I am a type 1 diabetic 50 yrs old and since the age of 38I have had a ED problem I work out & eat a healthy diet I have been married for 15yrs my wife is on the verge of leaving me because I get depressed ,angry and feel like I am half a man,a zombie no blood cells flowing to my lower region I want to commit suicide but but my wife says that's not the answer. I have a sexy wife and it's frustrating when I get horny & can't have sex with her.I have taken every type of pill from Extenze,Cialis to Sildenafil I have tried Testosterone shots even spoke to a Urologist about surgery but insurance doesn't pay for it Iwas at my wits end and took 8 100mg Sildenafil pills once I followed the instructions online even tried to get my wife to get me excited my penis never even got hard I was once 6" now my penis is 2" long. What's a man to do does anyone have any advice for me?