An ongoing joke that my dad loves is the fact that he bought me and my sister new bikes 17 years ago and we never rode them.

“They just sit in the shed wasting away! What a waste of money”

It stung for years when he’d bring it up, to my friends, other family members, to anyone who would listen really. I felt such shame, but it wasn’t solely over the fact that my dad wasted money on me. I didn’t know how to ride a bike, neither did my sister. In fact both me and my sister didn’t know how to ride a bike, swim or tell the time on an analog clock.

We were never taken out on family bike rides or a day out to the local pool. We’d be lucky to get a conversation from our parents. You wanted quality time where you parents teach you something? You’re dreaming kid.

I still feel the pang of shame when he brings it up, only now it’s accompanied by anger and sadness. I still don’t feel confident on a bike or in a body of water, and as for telling the time.

My parents got me a watch for my 25th.