Does anyone else find it hard to believe people actually care about them? I struggle with this because I never have had family members show up for me the way i expect them to. Maybe I need to let go the expectation I have of what i thing someone who cared about me would do? Maybe I need to figure out more of the expectations I have in my mind of what someone would do if they showed they cared about me.
I have met some cool people online that ive gotten close to and feel like we have a connection, but anyone in my real life is a different story. I dont feel the connections, i dont feel like they care.
I guess it kinda boils down to not feeling like i can be myself and express myself to my family, because i learned from a young age that....they dont care how i feel, or what i think.

I'm just wondering if anyone struggles with this/ has struggled wit this and if so what did you do that helped.