I feel upset about something that happened with the therapist I was seeing for childhood emotional neglect and abuse, and I wanted to know what others here thought of the situation:

A while ago, I had a few weeks’ break from my therapist, at which time I read about Acceptance and Commitment therapy (ACT) and found the concept of willingness to feel my pain and exercises to practice feeling emotional pain extremely helpful. When I finally went back to see my therapist, I told them about the relief I found in these principles and practices, and that I was feeling more equipped to face my pain and my fears, and the first thing my therapist did was ask me if I had taken drugs during our time apart. When it became clear she wasn’t joking, I felt hurt and taken aback at this, and like the implication was that I couldn’t possibly make any progress on my own, or with other resources. I felt really invalidated and belittled, and honestly a little chastised and shamed. They spent the rest of the session questioning me with a skeptical look on their face, trying to poke holes in my story of how these techniques had brought me relief and understanding of my own emotional pain. I didn’t feel supported or congratulated on the progress I’d made, instead I felt like they doubted me and were trying to upset me to prove that I hadn’t actually had a breakthrough. It really hurt to know they didn’t believe I could have improved in our time apart, let alone the hurt I feel that they weren’t happy that I was feeling more relief.

I held my cool through the whole session, but I haven’t been back since, even though they invited me to come back at any time.

What do you think and feel about how my therapist treated me in that session? I’ve been feeling sad and angry since then, and I’m just looking for compassionate support. Thanks y’all