With emotions running surprisingly high (like some people seem genuinely angry - which you should never be about a fun game show) I'd like to add a more constructive view of what (imo) worked and what didn't. IDK if feedback like this is helpful but I like writing it anyways 😁

What worked:

  • Let's start with : The Cast! The cast ALL nailed their job here and got to put their personality on display!
    • Zac being Granma sWeeTy - no further comments needed the rest is history đŸ„°
    • Brennan playing 4D chess but also being hoisted by his own petard is a double 👍
    • Katie & Rekaa playing characters fully against their type while still showcasing their signature humor
    • Ally being a little Imp
    • Jess being creative and so quick with the jokes in character
    • And Grant being able to play a dapper fantasy but also just being so Grant 😁
  • The balance of tapping into improv and game show strategy was imo almost perfect
  • The set was 👌👌
  • The general chemistry between the cast carried the whole thing (became extra clear on the little talk when Rehka eliminated Brennan). Nothing new here but worth highlighting
  • The tiny tasks were clever ways to forcing the players to reveal info. Especially props involved stuff (giving Zac that whoopey cushion was just A+ in its simplicity)

What was Misjudged:

  • The Ratfish was placed there as an 'Agent of Chaos' which I get. In a normal Game Show you have 7 ppl who try to win and one just there for confusion & fun. But with Ally, Katie, Rekha and 'joke assassin' Zac there you really didn't need to inject extra chaos. And if the 8th slot was just filled by another cast member like Lilly or Tao etc. I think it would have worked just as well.
  • If the goal is to have a celebrity guest I think you need to shoot for one of 2 things:
    • a) Have a guest that the majority of viewers will know and like and be excited to see. In that case you need someone pretty much universally beloved (example Wayne Bradey on Make some Noise). I think from their own 'show and comedy bubble' they misjudged how many people would have 0 connection to or love for 'Tim & Eric'
    • Or b) Have a guest that's special to the cast. Maybe the cast were strongly influenced by 'Tim & Eric'. That can be fun. See Grant meeting his favorite porn star. Most of us didn't know the guy but seeing Grants reaction was fantastic 😄 But then you NEED to have them on site and give us the reveal and meeting reaction. Seems Eric wasn't on site and thus this just fell flat
  • The eliminations honestly didn't matter that much since all it did was demotivate players to keep playing their role. You could honestly just give advantages or penalties out based on results and keep everybody in
  • The Ratfish choosing BOTH winners felt off... It felt like the gameplay didn't matter. One choice for favorite character is great. And I disagree with the chorous of choosing Ally being wrong. Ally hit on Erics sensibilities and that's fine. But Eric then also choosing the ultimate winner on w him of the art task felt random in a 'meh' way. If the game itself is chaos and the 2nd place is chaos imo the winner needs to be determined by points & tie breakers to do with the gameplay

In general I LOVED the format. I think format wise this was up there with the best of the best in game changer. And astonishingly (despite the flawed version already being fun) feels like there is a lot of untapped potential. But I think there were also key central elements where the team missjudged how fun it would be to watch. And I hope this will help to shed some light on the details in a more systematic way so if we ever do a Game Samer we can keep the great parts and improve on what didn't land 😊