I’m constantly derealised, and the one time and place where I’m not entirely derealised is when I’m showering. I took a shower to get a break, and I realised why my brain is constantly derealising

My head was filled with paranoid thoughts, severe paranoia stuff. Then I remembered this happens everytime I shower, sometimes so bad I feel like I’m going to pass out (and have on rare occasions but it’s probably to do with my other physical health issues, not purely paranoia)

I realised that I don’t think, at all. Unless it’s to do with what I’m directly doing at that minute, which I think is caused by the derealisation to prevent the paranoid thoughts from ruining my life lol

So I think I need help on what to do with the paranoid thoughts as well as how to ease the constant derealisation before I finally lose my last nerve and have a breakdown

Any advice on easing derealisation effects & dealing with paranoid thoughts would be greatly appreciated, thank you