As a depressed person, is this a legitimate reason you’d dump someone? His father passed 6 months ago, he Lost his job 8 months ago. He bought me a ring in February and was going to propose. His mental health has been declining but I’ve been doing what I can to keep him functioning. Trying to get him to shower, eat dinner, complimenting him, doing the tell me 3 good things about your day, he sleeps until 4/5pm then is awake all night. He was against therapy but I finally got him to agree to it and he’s on a waiting list. He’s now suicidal and telling me he wants to kill himself and started hurting himself but punching his legs very very hard. He’s had bruises on his legs for months and I think I know why now. He told me I deserve a better life with someone normal. Not a loser and he can’t give me what I deserve. He can’t give me marriage, kids, a home for a while and he said he’s going to be bedridden for a long time. I told him I don’t care I want to help him but he said he has nothing left to give and thinks it’s best for both of us. Is this a real reason someone depressed would dump you? Because they are feeling so worthless and are being selfless and want you to be happy? He is my happiness and my everything. I just can’t understand this. Can someone explain to me? I’m devastated