Me (26m) and the girl I'm seeing (22f) have been seeing eachother on and off for about 4 months now. We don't exactly have a label yet for our relationship, however she knows that I want more.

She spent the night at my house and while we were cuddling she looked at me and said "You're mine" and I asked her "Are you mine?" To which she took 5 seconds... then nodded her head.

2 days later we go on a night out with her coworker, she was 20. Very nice girl. While we were in the club the girl I was seeing asked me to flirt with a girl to get a cigarette... I said no, to which she said she would. She then walks around the club and chats men up, introduces herself, shakes their hands and chats for a bit. When she gets the cigarette lit she comes back to us. Her friend (the coworker) looks at me and says "I think that was a mistake from you, you gonna let her talk to other men...? I think it would be hard to be in a relationship with her tbh".

Then later in the club when I'm getting drinks, I turn around and see her actively talking and chatting to different men. The thing is she would always come back to me? And I don't know if I'm over reacting or not. I understand being sociable in that environment, but I personally wouldn't be chatting to different girls out of respect even if it was harmless.