Almost every day my boyfriend brings up sex. I could make a simple comment and he turns it to something sexual and all he wants to do is have sex. If I want to hang out and relax it starts as that then he brings up sex and has a boner and I don’t want to do anything at that time. It’s almost annoying. It’s not that we don’t get intimate but it’s like that’s all he wants to do. Like we do hang out and go places and he treats me well, but everything comes down to sex. The thought of sex isn’t in my mind 24/7. He “clears his mind” at least once a day and he wonders why I don’t have to do that and it’s just not something that crosses my mind that I have to do every day. He wants to be intimate daily if not every second day but for me I can’t do that, I have a skin condition making my skin down there more delicate and tears easier so I have to give it breaks for a few days. He said he understands that and wants to respect that I can’t do it as much as he wants but literally every single day he talks about sex for at least 10 minutes 2-3 times.

Edit for those who asked: I am 24 and he is 27, for me it’s my 5th relationship since being about 17, and I believe I am his 3rd.