My wife's friend invited her/us to a party this weekend. My wife doesn't like going to these things alone so she wants me to come with our 2.5 year old. We'd be arriving between 5 and 6

I'm hesitant because there won't be other kids there and neither of us know the vibe (if there will be drinking, smoking weed, etc).

I know my wife would feel more comfortable but I worry about a few things:

  • environment might not be appropriate for our kid.
  • he likely won't feel comfortable, he's very shy
  • bringing a toddler feels like itd be mood killer?
  • selfishly, being on "keep toddler entertained" duty sounds like a nightmare
  • time is in the danger zone in terms of crankiness if he doesn't nap well

My wife says I'm overthinking things and that everything will be fine..