Hi!! I am stepping up for my kiddo’s pack as Campus Captain and other things and need to get a uniform top. I’ve gone without one this year since I usually just wrangled my dragons on the side while she worked with her Lion den. However, I am pregnant and will deliver right after the big recruitment rush. There is no way a uniform shirt will button over this baby bump; I tried on my husband’s shirt, who wears the same size as me normally, and it was uncooperative. What do other pregnant adult leaders do? I was thinking of wearing the shirt open over a black maternity shirt but I don’t know if that’s allowed. I don’t have a pack t-shirt either.

I was at a district round table today for the first time and whewwww was I underdressed in a regular shirt and skirt. I’d like to not relive that (internal, everyone was very nice) embarrassment especially when we’re trying to get new families to join. I have a parent ribbon, maybe that’s enough?