For context, I'm an average student with a few side projects and non-tech work experience, and I have honstly never felt so depressed about the job market in ages. I only got 2 interviews after hours and hours of applications and OAs. Both companies were relatively not super competitive (aka not big tech/HFTs) and I have been rejected by Company A and ghosted by Company B (still making a decision after 2 weeks even though the internship starts July).

I honestly thought that my interview with company B went amazing and I feel like I got too attached to the internship, expecting the best outcome... now I just feel exhausted. It feels like I'm constantly arriving at dead ends despite whatever I do and at this point idk if I'll even get a helpdesk job this summer with how bleak things are looking. Even the big 4 'chill' consulting firms have ghosted me.

Is there anyone feeling like this? Almost all my friends have gotten an internship at this point, one of them even got head hunted by Optiver, and I just feel like I am left behind, even after working all these hours.