[Potential SA (incest) during childhood, am I making it up ? Is it possible to trace it back without having any memories of the event, but only vague physical and emotional flash-backs + weird dreams ?]

Hi, I'm so confused. Weird dreams, therapy and observations of my sexual behavior led me, my therapist and my boyfriend to think that I might have been SAd by my own father (and maybe my oncle as well - too much to be believable). I remember almost nothing from my childhood. But I used to blame this amnesia on the constant emotional neglect and verbal abuse.

I am now 26 yo, and I don't care anymore about my uncle. But the idea of my father being a pedo upsets me a lot. I think that it is impossible, because now my father's behavior towards me is perfectly normal, he's really kind now that I am an adult, more than he ever was before. He pays a lot of attention to me. He buys me things. He helped me find a job and appartement. I don't think a pedo father would be able to behave like nothing happened. He's also really compassionate towards others, and shows a lot of emotional sensibility, so he's not cold or psychopathic. I can't wrap my head around this contradiction. Something is illogical, I begin to even question the verbal & emotional abuse. But my beloved grandmother is here to remind me of how bad it was, she witnessed a lot of this abuse. For exemple, up to 9 yo they forced me to bathe with my little brother in order to "save water" despite my will to have privacy. I had 0 memory of this before she told me. She fought for me as much as she could. She showed me that I was worth being defended and protected, and that I am not being ungrateful and despicable for calling "abuse" their parenting style.

We lived for 3 years in a mold-infested appartement. The amnesia is so bad, that I have been unable for 10+ years to remember where was the kitchen, bathroom, parental room...I only remembered the living room. I know now how the appartement was thanks to a dream and the confirmation of my brother. Wtf.

The most weird thing is, I wrote on a paper "it was [x] and [y], they did it" while I was under the influence of psilocybin. But I had 0 control of myself when I wrote it. It was like a weird auto-hypnosis. I was panicking inside, but something in me wanted to write. Something really cold-blooded and calm. As if a part of me was aware of what happened and the importance for the "whole me" (?) to know. I also had the urge to record an audio for my therapist, but I regained enough control to stop it. I still have no idea of what I would have said, yet I am still afraid. But can I really trust something I did while high on psychedelics ?

As for the dreams, I won't go into heavy details in order to avoid triggering others. Still, I advise CSA survivors to skip the next 2 paragraphs.

In these dreams I was always a little girl (from 4 to 8) in shitty situations. My father touched me in inappropriate areas, and I felt pleasure. Sometimes, it was an unknown fat man (0 pleasure here). When it wasn't my father, it was always the same fat man. Sometimes, I was myself the agressor, walking in his skin, touching the little girl (supposed to be me), feeling his sick desires as if they were mine...Waking up from this kind of dream is hell, wouldn't recommend 💀. During adolescence, I was always uncomfortable near my father, I couldn't stand the way he looked at me, even though it was probably in my head.

[TW : age regression during sex] With an ex-boyfriend, him going down on me triggered a weird response : I felt like a little girl. Hard to explain. My voice changed, I suddenly had a really child-like mind (wanted to play etc). Once, during foreplay, I even told him with this horrible girly voice that he made me feel like a little girl. It obviously killed the mood. I was so ashamed afterwards... but the words slipped before I could catch them. It was 5 years ago, now this trigger no longer exists with my current bf, but wtf.

Still, I am unable to tell if I'm making it up. I would have brushed it all away if I hadn't have my bf, my close friends and my therapist to remind me that nothing in my childhood was normal, and that my current behavior screams CSA. (My bf told me that I was obviously uncomfortable when he touched certain areas in a certain way, so he immediatly stopped. I didn't even saw that in the moment. But when he told me about it, I felt how he was right... I'm so disconnected from my body that I don't pay attention to these kind of signals.)

Many thanks to the ones who read this far ! And sorry for the mistakes, English is not my first language.

[P.S : when I listen to IC3P3AK, I feel comforted and at home. Especially Fairytale. It's when I had to admit that I was a bit mentally unwell. Cool band though.]