Crows, Magpies, and Ravens

r/corvids27.2K subscribers4 active
Advice on feeding raven fledglings

I was helping a friend clean up a fallen tree. In the process I found 5 raven fledglings. 4 still alive. After reading here, this is my plan. I'm going to put the following in the blender and feed them with a large mouthed syringe.

1 apple 1/2# chicken liver 1/2# ground beef 1/2 cup water 1 chicken egg

I'll feed them 5 times a day starting at 5am last feeding at 9pm.

Any changes you'd make?

Ps. I've been feeding them red wigglers and black soldier fly large for the last 4 hours.

Is my baby magpie ok?

And struggling to use my baby magpie you've probably around for months old and he able to walk and draycote he has all the full set of feathers anytime I've tried to feed him he hasn't eaten it he's he might just not be hungry but i will meet recently adopted to him and sadly i will be in a research stage of keeping a magpie so i'm not too sure what the feeding process is but yeah

Baby jackdaw

Found a baby jackdaw that isn’t able to fly, it has most of its feathers. His parents are around, a new couple, but there’s a bunch of cats that do hunt birds. Would it be better to leave it be even if it could mean it’d be eaten or take care of it until it can fly? Sorry if some things aren’t clear, english isn’t my first language.