Crows: The Feathered Ones

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Crow friend or..

A few days ago, I started feeding a crow that had been hanging around outside my door, trying to get into packages. I decided to offer some peanuts, and now the crow spends most of the day outside my door and even follows me on walks. It’s become quite bold, flying close to my head and swooping near my face. Yesterday, it went a step further by tapping me on the head with its feet, landing face to face, and just staring at me. Should I be worried that it’s rallying other crows against me? I thought we were friends, but now it’s starting to feel like it’s stalking me.

Was I gifted a feather?

For the half year or so I’ve been trying to befriend the local crow population, feeding them at a feeding station and trying to greet them when I see a crow I recognize.

A few days ago I was visiting a neighbouring building. This took me maybe 5 minutes. On my return trip there was something next to the pathway I had used earlier in the yard.

It was a crow feather! And it definitely wasn’t there when I was using the pathway for the first time.

I’ve seen crows flying across the yard sometimes. Did a feather just happen to fall from a crow or was I gifted a feather?

I unfortunately decided not to keep it. But I did admire it for a good while.

Any tips on befriending a crow?

I have a crow caller and some peanuts. Hasn’t worked yet

Should I leave food when it rains too?

It going to rain where I am for the next week or so. There's still a whole bunch of suet on the ground. And some hot dog slices.

I think a crow attacked me?

I work out at a local park almost every day. I always bring a few walnuts with me. When a hooded crow comes by, I give them the walnuts.

Today I only had one walnut and there was quite a lot of hooded crows in the area I was walking through. I placed it on the ground and left. One of the crows took it immediately.

About 2-3 minutes away from that location, as I was leaving the park, a crow literally flies by my head from behind. It missed, didn't touch me, just flew by and landed on a branch. It looked frustrated as it was pecking the branch haha

I'm thinking maybe it was the same bird and it wanted more? Or it was another bird that was jealous of the other crow? Did I do something wrong? haha

Another note is that I gave them the walnut with the shell, I realize they might not like that as it takes them some work to get the food, but it's still better than nothing right? xD

I read a bit that they usually attack people here around June because baby birds are hatching, and they are trying to be protective?

Crows Are Following Me and Screaming

Yesterday, I saw a man being attacked by crows in my neighborhood. I approached him, and he explained that a baby crow had fallen, and the crows couldn't reach it. When his bus arrived, he left, and I stayed with the crows. I watched the baby crow for about 10 minutes, ensuring no stray cats approached (there are many in Turkey). The crows were screaming and circling around me, with other crow families joining in. I was afraid to touch the baby crow, so I went home. The crows followed and screamed at me all the way home. I thought they wanted my help, so I called my brother and we returned to rescue the baby crow. We took the baby crow from where it had fallen and brought it to our house, placing it on our roof, ensuring the crows saw their baby was on our roof then we left the roof. The crows kept screaming for about 10 minutes, then stopped, seeming to reunite with their baby, or so we thought.

This morning, I went to the nearby market, and as soon as I stepped outside, two crows (probably the baby’s parents) started screaming and followed me to the market and back. I felt the need to check on the baby crow, but it was gone when I looked on the roof. The crows are now watching our door, screaming whenever they see me, and following me when I go out.

Throughout this, the crows haven't attacked or tried to attack me. I don’t know what to do. What are the crows trying to tell me?

Crows following me

This week I found a crow in the grass that looked hurt. I tried to approach it to help but other crows flew at me so I couldn't get very close. I took some trail mix that was just nuts and dried fruit and tossed it as close as I could. Then a little cup of water. Now a few days later when I go outside the crows follow me tree to tree and caw. Did I anger them somehow? Why are they following me?