I’ve been following this subreddit since 2020 and have watched it grow in numbers and have become well aware of the situation we’re all facing here on Earth.

While I’ve come to learn that collapse isn’t a single event, I can definitely sense how quickly things have been shifting over the past couple of years. During the 2010s, I began to notice cultural patterns and (maybe it’s my autism) I realised I was able to predict events pretty accurately… since the 2020’s have hit, I haven’t been able to predict a single thing. Everything, globally, feels really unstable and it’s hard to know what the hell is going to come next.

I know what is to come won’t be good, and I’ve certainly gone through various stages of grief about life and collapse, but what I still can’t fully comprehend is that eventually we’re all going to be REALLY uncomfortable. We’re going to see some CRAZY shit in our lifetimes and then basically be killed by said crazy shit… it’s weird. At times it doesn’t feel real.

I’ve learned so much about collapse over the past 4 years and have tried to warn family and friends and explain to others the situation at hand, but nobody really wants to hear it. I find myself constantly tip toeing around any form of serious issues because I become the target for basically being a mood killer and don’t want to become a complete social outcast. It’s a balance trying to ‘pretend’ nothing is wrong and then coming here to see that there’s a group of us who are almost in on some big secret… a secret that no one else really wants to know.

I feel like I’m living a double life. I feel like I’m ‘collapse-accepted’ - I know something bad is coming and honestly I have made my peace and will try to just live a happy/full life until the time comes… but I at least feel somewhat mentally prepared, most people really don’t know what’s about to hit them.