Looking for help deciding where to travel to for our family trip in early December. Kids are 6 and 8. We’re looking for somewhere with great snorkeling for kids. My partner and I love to scuba and want to share our love for exploring the ocean from an early age. We’re counting down the years when we can all scuba together. Hotel budget is ~5k for 6 nights which is putting us slightly out of range of some of the great resorts typically mentioned here. Would love seperate sleeping areas for kids and parents but not a deal breaker by any means. We’ve enjoyed Playa de Carmen, Punta Mita (loved the Dreams resort there, water park was a huge hit!) but neither destination offered great snorkeling for the kids since they are younger. We’re traveling from the West coast and want to keep flight times less than 8 hours, so Hawaii, Mexico, the Caribbean or Central America are all do able! Thank you thank you!

Edit- open to messages from Travel Agents! Have never worked with one but open to it!

Edit- this group is amazing!!! Thank you to everyone that’s commented so far.