We are in an age where superhero genre is everywhere, almost every year we are having an MCU movie and sometimes a DC movie. So this generation is defined by the domination of superheroes in the media from movies to TV shows to even video games.

However for all it's popularity, the superhero genre is the ultimate definition of style and no substance. It is filled with nothing but recycled storylines and repetitve tropes. It is not realistic and you don't gain anything from it. There is a reason why Martin Scorsese says that superhero movies are theme parks and not cinema .

Of course due to some superhero media containing mature theme ans violence, you would think that means it's not for kids right? Well yes but it dosen't necessarily make it for adults either, it is made for rather immature people who want to feel mature.

The violence and the cynical tone comes off as " look at me, i'm not for kids, i'm realistic and mature" rather than actually having substance that adults can appreciate.

Really i don't see why any well stable and intelligent adult would ever have any interest in superhero media because it's not actually cinema or art.

However with so many people liking it, i am willing to hear people's opinions about it and see if they can change my mind