Nobody wants to deal with these people. The type that has both the victim complex of the poor, with the self righteous entitlement of the rich. A lot of what I’m about to say is taboo on the american left because it overlaps a little too neatly with well-worn tropes about “welfare queens “on the political right but the fact of the matter is poor people are like people, and there are good and bad among them.

And the bad ruin it for everybody. For those that aren’t familiar, the type of people I’m describing, are a kind of entitled poor. They’re happy to reap the benefits of taxpayer funded programs but they feel no major incentive to better their situations by getting a certification, a license or a degree. To be sure, they don’t want to be poor but their method of trying to escape usually the passive “scratch-off lottery ticket” method.

Short attention spans, short tempers and quick to resort to violence when they feel their honor has been insulted. They’re not the types to cultivate learning in their homes they’re the types to hand their phones off to their kids to distract them on public transportation rather then give them a coloring book. They’re ignorant and they’re proud of it.

That wouldn’t be an issue in itself except we force these peoples kids to go to school and the parents, in spite of all the above, expect their kids to be just awarded good grades. Not because of their merit but because their kids are a reflection of them and if their kids are getting in trouble, failing or absent they understand that as an insult on their personal honor inflicted by the school

So you get situations where a teacher gets beaten up by an angry mom because her precious angel baby failed her lameass Spanish class and they’re not about to let this bitch get away with it.

I mean, it’s the only thing that makes sense to me, because these schools get billions of dollars in federal and state funds and they still suck. Their grades are still terrible. And the kids don’t seem to be doing any better now than they were doing 30 years ago. Usually the most sensitive and empathetic teachers come from middle to upper class backgrounds. And those people are too soft for these environments and dealing with those parents makes both too stressful and threatening. And if the teacher is white and teaching in a majority black district then that adds a whole other layer of complexity to it. Same as if it was black in a white district.