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TVesday Thread

Morning all. What TV shows and/or movies have you been watching this week? Have you enjoyed them? Come in and tell us all about it.

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Forgive a foreigner, a cultural question about tea blends.

Was just wandering, is it dodgy to have Earl Gray in the morning? Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against English Breakfast per se.

Is it possible to withdraw cash without a card at the airport?

I was stupid and forgot my bank card and I’m at Stanstead airport, going to Spain. I have Apple Pay but I feel a bit uncomfortable without having a physical card or cash. Is it possible to withdraw cash at atms with tap only? Or can I get cash in any other way with just Apple Pay?

EDIT: I managed to get cash at currency exchange using contactless. Thanks all!

6Music Alternatives


Back in the dim and distant past I used to work from home and 6Music was my all day go to for background - I'd have Lauren Laverne, Radcliffe and Maconie, bit of Steve Lamacq. Now back to working from home and thought I'd try 6Music and it blew my mind a bit. This morning:

Sade (fine)
Ezra Collective (not really my thing, but a we're a broad church and so it was okay)

Then Mary Anne Hobbs put something on which I'm sure she introduced as "Rave of the Day" and featured "DJ ADHD"! Head exploded, I retreated to the safety of Deezer for the morning.

Are there any stations out there that are like 6 used to be? Bit of indie, bit of retro stuff, some classic rock. I'm guessing Absolute 90s might be the obvious one but I was 17 in 1990 so straddle the 80s/90s/2000s divide.

All suggestions welcome! Thanks.

Any Australians here - what are your favourite UK snacks?

Hi all! We're mega excited to have some family visiting from Australia for a few days. Meals are pretty well planned but I want to stock up on snacks for them. A question for any Australians on here - are there any snacks available here but not in Aus that you're particularly fond of?

Where can I buy a fancy Easter egg right now?

I was having weekly chemo from January to May this year and I couldn’t taste a thing. I’m starting to get my taste buds back and have just had surgery, so I want to treat myself and all I can think about are the Easter eggs I didn’t bother with because they tasted like cardboard. (I told my partner to eat them instead, seeing them in the house was depressing me.)

Where can I buy a really nice Easter egg right now? And nope, regular shaped chocolate won’t do the job. It has to be an egg. And no cheap £1.99 Cadbury’s ones either, I want a luxury one. Bonus points if it’s reduced to clear.

Any ideas? Google just brings up old pages from Easter this year.


ETA: I try to avoid Amazon where possible - what I really want is somewhere that’s trying to offload eggs that would go to waste otherwise. That might be too much to ask though.

The Mrs' car went in for some accident repair, insurer said excess is to pay to the garage, the garage said 'Lucky you there's no excess to pay' and gave the car back..

This is semi-serious I guess... and I'm not thrilled with my own morals here but my wife's excess isn't an insignificant amount. I've put the excess to one side in case anyone chases it up and I'll play it dumb if they do but does anyone know how long either the insurer or garage have to claim it before I can pocket it?

To add: it's definitely an at fault claim, she drove into a bollard.
