Well my day was going great today, long weekend, went for a nice drive and on my way home my passenger rear tire decided to blow out on the highway as I'm doing 120kph. Went from 36psi to 0 in a second. I didn't hit anything so I'm guessing I picked up something that decided to dislodge itself from the tire shortly after I got onto the highway (401 for you Canadians).

Thankfully its a runflat tire and besides hearing a very loud bang as if I hit something the car didn't skip a beat. It didn't lose control or pull left or right, it just kept tracking straight as the runflat did its job and prevented the tire from collapsing after it lost all tire pressure.

Also thankfully it happened when it did because I was at the exact distance to drive on the tire home. A runflat tire is rated to last about 50 miles up to a maximum speed of 50mph and I was right at that distance from home when it happened. As soon as I pulled onto my residential street I could feel the tire lose its runflat properties and start to act like a normal flat tire. It felt like I swapped out my round tire for a square tire.

Luckily the local dealer is 2minutes from my house, however now that the tire is completely shot I won't risk limping it around the corner. I will have to wait until Tuesday after the long weekend and order a new set of tires and organize a flatbed for 1km.

I know people like to complain about runflats because they make the ride quality more stiff, but I would rather have a runflat instead of being stuck on the side of the road waiting for a flatbed.

All 4 of my tires are pretty bald as well (thanks GM for forcing Cup 2R's on a Z07) so they needed to be replaced soon anyway but I'm in awe at how composed the car was when the tire gave out, it wasn't scary at all and they come as advertised. People may not think they ever need them but I am glad I had them.