So, you’ve made it all the way out to your campground. Drove for hours to spend time in the quiet of nature and paid for a spot at your favorite campground only for someone to show up and pull out an acoustic guitar for a loud solo show which travels the whole camp.

Do you: A. Approach said stranger/camper in their space to ask them to be quiet? Possible safety risk?

B. Talk to the camp host to see if we could get some regulation on the noise pollution?

C. Wait it out and hope the person chooses to stop for possibly hours of audio torture?

Just curious as this issue has come up many times over my lifetime of camping. Appreciate any input or wisdom!


I wanted to thank everyone for their responses. It would seem we have a lot of zen practitioners in this sub and I commend you for your unrelenting patience. May we all achieve such enlightenment and healing.

As for the folks who say to “just stick with dispersed camping if you want quiet”, while I agree that you can absolutely expect a certain level of public noise on any official campground shared with others, not everyone has the equipment or physical capability of going off grid into the wilderness to get peace and quiet. I don’t condone policing everything people do in these campsites but folks with handicaps should be entitled to a little piece of quiet nature. What is entitled is to expect everyone to enjoy having you take up all the audible space in a public place. It’s not all that different from allowing your garbage to blow into someone else’s space. If your activities are encroaching on the entire space, you are taking away from other’s ability to enjoy the public space.