I drove home in shame and embarrassment, told him that I lost my job. Told him I'm an alcoholic and I need help. After saying nothing, going out to smoke a cigarette and returning, his first suggestion was to look for jobs in other towns. I said I don't know if I can work in this industry any more. He's at the same level as me in the food and beverage industry so I asked if he wanted to go back to work full time. He said he could go back but that I'd be miserable at home. Felt a little cutting but not untrue. So that left me feeling kind of stuck. I asked if we could talk about the elephant in the room which is that I have a drinking problem and need to address it. He asked "what does that look like?" I said I don't know. That's when I began looking into resources and we sort of stopped talking about it. Today he returns home from the grocery store with two packs of beer. I'm not really sure what to think or say. I never did ask him to not bring beer into the house.